by Victor Freire( Alpha Nox) - E-mail:

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   Current Version: 0.13              Server status: OFFLINE        Last Update: December 6th, 2006

To be released:  Before February 1st!


Old News


December 5th, 2005:

Phoenix Online version 0.12:

Game Development report:

    Sorry for the delay, I didn't have time to update the website but don't worry I didn't stop to work in the game. There're lots of changes in the new release, I'll list them below.

What's new in the game CLIENT:

- Inventory System: almost done (need to implement only the system for picking up and dropping money.)

- Map Items (it's the items which are on the ground, you drop items on the ground and pick them up)

- Packet Receiving Speed Regulator System (when in need, the game automatically boosts the receiving speed, this usually happens when the game is loading a new area. )

- Game speed optimization (several things have changed in the game graphical system thus you can now run it in a slower machine.)

- Player Names  Display  (you can now see the name of the other players)

- New MENU design

- New music


What's new in the game SERVER:

- Report System ( the server records everything that happens in a log file so that bug correction becomes easier )

- Bandwidth Saver System (it controls the bandwidth avoiding the waste of it)

- Intelligent Update  ( when the player moves to another area, it sends him the necessary information )

- Enhanced connection


Future implentations:

- Finish the rest of the inventory system

- A TRUE monster system(current I'm using only five monsters to test it, and they're located in the client, the server has no info on them.)

- Code the RPG system (HP, MP,... weapon damage, weapons... etc)

- Character info and status screen
















New screenshots added(November 1st,2005)


October 30th,2005:

Phoenix Online version 0.11:

Game Development report:

    I'm sorry but I couldn't work on Phoenix Online recently but I already rebegan working on it and I'm doing a huge amount of progress.

Although, I have some great ideas for P.O.(Phoenix Online), I already know how I'm going to create an inventory system and items system for it, this will also include the money which will be used in Phoenix. The map creation progress speed has increased since I'm used to it now, so I expect to correct the maps and create new ones very soon.

    I also detected several things in the code which I can change to reduce the bandwidth usage so more players will be able to play at the same time. For the next version, I also going to do something to show the players name so you'll know who is who. The chat system is working perfectly I tested it.

    I'm still need to develop a way to implement the disadvantages and advantages of each class in the game.

    I'm also planning to do the SPELLS system in version 0.13, I still have much to do and I also going to need to create weapons, armors,items, so I guess it will take at least a month to get to version 0.13. Don't worry in December I'm on holiday so I will have plenty of time to work on P.O so the progress will definitely be increased.

    I already estabilished a server that will be working fine when P.O is released.

    And there will be new screenshots in the next update.


What's new:

- Gender and class selection maps working

- Guide NPCs to guide you during the creation of your character

- Birth place created

- Some new music to the game

- Minor bugs correction

- New screenshots added(November 1st,2005)


Future implementations:

- Female classes and sprites(Low priority (planned to be done in version 0.13 or 0.14) )

- Spell system (version 0.13 - Medium priority)

- Inventory and items system (next version - High Priority)

- Money system(next version - High Priority)

- Network efficiency (next version - High priority)

- Overall game performace (next version - High priority)


Thanks for waiting...


Alpha Nox  - Phoenix Online programmer








October 9nd,2005:

Phoenix Online version 0.10:

What's new:

- Phoenix Online download system is prepared for when it is done.

- Fixed re-login error bug.

- Performance improvement.

- Fixed some map bugs.

- NEW: Chat System is working.

- Fixed some minor bugs

Future implementations:

- Player classes,spells,items

- More sprites...

- Performance improvement

- I'm hoping to release it in the next version, next week probably.

- More...


Alpha Nox  - Phoenix Online programmer









October 2nd,2005:

Phoenix Online version 0.09:

What's new:

- Fixed 'clone' bug, the character logged out but the Server still said he was online and kept displaying him on other players screen.

- Sword system is fully working now.

- Corrected some minor bugs.


Future implementations:

- Chat system (In Progress)

- Fix re-login bugs

- Fix current maps

- More...


Alpha Nox  - Phoenix Online programmer






September 28th,2005:

Version 0.08

Phoenix is now online and it has a whole new website.

See the new screenshots.


Game development:

    The walking and map changing function are already working online, the sword system has a small bug which is being fixed and will soon be working as well. The account system is working fine and so is the server.

There are still several bugs which will be corrected soon.


Future implementations:


- More sprites so that everyone could look different

- More maps


Alpha Nox





     Update: September 4th,2005

    SEE THE NEW SCREENSHOTS in the files section

    September 4th,2005  - Version 0.06  



    Functions Fully functional:

     - Character movement perfect

    - Collision Preventer (prevents collisions with houses and objects)

    - Sound effects and background music

     -Sword Attack

    - Special sound effects for footsteps

    - Lots of sound effects added

    - First town map (main scratch already)

    - NPCs Artificial Intelligence

    - Added blood effects and spell effects

    - Added GAME INTRO

    - Added story intro

    - Added two new characters: Alcasim (Main Character) and Faye (NPC, Alcasim's friend)

    - Added fade-in and out effects

    - Added LIGHTING to the game

    - Ability to use the candles in the enviroment

    - Two new musics: Game theme and the game town music(which's this page music, HEAR it)

    - Enhanced  menu

    - Alcasim's house


In Progress:

    - Game Story

    - The Second Quest












August 7th,2005: Version 0.05



    Functions Fully functional:

     - Character movement to the four sides smoothly and perfect.

    - Collision Preventer( prevents collisions with houses and objects)

    - Sound effects and background music

     -Sword Attack

    - Special sound effects for footsteps

    - Lots of sound effects added

    - First town map (almost done)

    - Added several NPCs

    - Added blood effects and spell effects

    - Added first quest: Find the Sword quest


In Progress:

    - the rest of first town map

    - The Second Quest

    - Enhanced gameplay

    - Items and others

    - More Graphical Special effects and Sound effects



Alpha Nox - Webmaster and Programmer


    July 26th,2005:   


    Functions Fully functional:

    - Character movement to the four sides smoothly and perfect.

    - Collision Preventer( prevents collisions with houses and objects)

    - Sound effects and background music ( Today)

     -Sword Attack( to left and right position) ( Today)

    - Special sound effects for footsteps

    In Progress:

    - First town map

   -  Sword Attack(up and down position)


    July 25th ,2005:

    I began programming PHOENIX (July 24th,2005)


    Functions Fully functional:

    - Character movement to the four sides smoothly and perfect.

    - Collision Preventer( prevents collisions with houses and objects)


    In Progress:

    - First town map

    - Sound effects and background music

    - Sword and ability to use items in the enviroment

    - Lot more...


Alpha Nox - Webmaster and Programmer